Sunday, June 14, 2009

Missionary Opportunities

The church has launched a new video channel on YouTube called Mormon Messages. Each week, Mormon Messages provides short video segments about the church's basic beliefs, as well as inspiring stories and messages of hope. members are invited to watch these gispel-centered videos and then share them over the Internet with family, friends, and people of other faiths.

The Mormon Messages can be accessed at or

Monday, June 1, 2009

Scout Information:Youth Protection Training

Youth Protection Training

If you are older than 18 years old and plan to attend any youth camping activity in the stake, you need to complete "Sexual Abuse And Child Molestation Awareness" training. This training is required by a recently enacted Texas law.

Instructions for how to complete this training are contained in a memo from the Sam Houston Area Council regarding the new state regulations at the following website:

If you plan to participate in a camping activity as a leader, you will need to complete this training before attending the activity. Please be sure to save copies of the documents you complete to verify that you have done the training.